CarbonMixer® Software Package
Energy and CO2 emissions strategies are required for an
increasing number of developments and are appearing as requirements in
local and national regulations. Carbon Mixer® is designed to
allow a building development energy and CO2 emissions
strategy to be assessed in outline in a matter of minutes to
give "ballpark" figures complete with costing estimates.
Detailed refinements to the analysis and comparisons of various
options can then be carried out in more detail to give a final result
at a level of detail suitable for planning authorities and other
interested parties. The energy strategy output can then form an
outline brief for the mechanical and electrical design engineers.
What else does Carbon Mixer® offer?
A Carbon Mixer® Project - Provides instant feedback
Carbon Mixer® uses a method of energy and carbon accounting which
allows combinations of buildings and energy systems to be compared for
carbon emissions. When entering data the user gets immediate graphical
feedback. After a short time the user develops an intuition for the
sensitivity of different changes.
A project is laid out as a site view showing the mix of buildings and
energy supply systems (both renewable and conventional). The site is then
cloned into a number of scenarios and the effect on emissions, cost and
payback can be seen when making changes to any of the scenarios.

Automatic Analysis
The user can set up scenarios to compare almost anything to find the optimal
energy strategy. Some standard types of analysis can be run automatically
including Building Regulations, Code for sustainable homes, Feed-in Tariff,
Renewable Heat Incentive, Green Deal.

Database of Interactive Shopping List?
Carbon Mixer comes with a large database of example buildings (including all
the CIBSE benchmarks) and example energy systems and building components.
These have links through to the supplier websites. Emails requesting quotes
can be automatically generated. The software can be used as an interactive
shopping list.

Add Your Own Data
Carbon Mixer comes with a number of embedded editors and calculators that
allow the addition of buildings, renewable energy systems, boilers, combined
heat and power systems etc to the database. The calculators allow the user to
analyse the performance of an individual system and then add it to the
building development. Data can also be imported from 3rd party simulation
software or taken from measured energy readings.

The domestic building editor below shows how different products can be tried
out in a model of your building to see what effect they have on the performance
and cost.

Comprehensive Help
Carbon Mixer® comes with detailed help in the form of video tutorials,
context sensitive help, reference information, and email help.
